50 Reasons To Feel Extremely Grateful

You should feel incredibly grateful if…

1. You’re breathing.
2. You have a roof over your head.
3. You’ve had a hot meal today.
4. You know someone loves you.
5. You have heat during the winter.
6. You have clean water to drink.
7. You have ears, which allow you listen to music.
8. You have a nose, which lets you smell.
9. You have a tongue, which allows you to taste.
10. You have eyes, which enable you to see.

Grateful, Fire Place, BumbleBar

11. You have clothes to keep you warm.
12. You have a hand to hold.
13. You have a safe place to sleep.
14. You have shoes to walk around in.
15. You have a voice to sing with.
16. You have your health.
17. You have opportunities to learn.
18. You have friends or family.
19. You have a loving pet.
20. You have access to a shower or bath.

Grateful, Sleeping Dogs, Dogs, BumbleBar
21. You have transportation.
22. You’ve been taught to read or write.
23. You have a paycheck.
24. You can attain health care.
25. You have internet access.
26. You have freedom of speech.
27. You have the right to vote.
28. You have opportunities to attend school.
29. You have a functional government.
30. You do not live amidst war and violence.
31. You have legs to dance and run.
32. You have children who love you.

Grateful, Holding hands, Wrist watch, BumbleBar
33. You have a toothbrush and toothpaste.
34. You have electricity.
35. You have a phone.
36. You have a space to call your own.
37. You can make art.
38. You have coffee.
39. You have money in the bank.
40. You have a backyard.
42. You feel safe.
43. You can smile and laugh.
44. You can travel.
45. You can go shopping.
46. You have a TV.
47. You live near a library.
48. You have A/C in the summer.
49. You have dreams while you sleep.
50. You’ve experienced true love.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. To be grateful turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” – M.B.
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