Gluten-Free Stews The Family Will Love
How To Cope With Seasonal Depression
Like the saying goes, life is full of ups and downs. For many of us, the cooler seasons seem to prompt more low points than highs. For this reason, we’ve compiled our preferred methods to stay smiley during the months of fall and winter. Take a peek below!
Dip It, Dunk It, Drizzle It, Eat It!
BumbleBars are great by themselves and they’re also delicious when paired with other healthy snacks! Here’s a list of our preferred BumbleBar pairings:
10 Must-See Documentaries
The weather is getting a bit chilly, making it the perfect time to cozy up with your blankets and BumbleBars. On these cool fall nights, we love snuggling up to watch a good documentary! There are so many fascinating documentaries available through Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, etc. We made a list of our 10 favorite, must-see documentaries to share with you! Check it out:
Vegan vs Vegetarian
Did you know that veganism is not the same as vegetarianism? If you didn’t, you’re not alone. Many people don’t know, others tend to confuse the two, and some people have no idea what they even mean at all.
DIY Fall Art Projects
The leaves are changing color, the air is crisp, and there’s inspiration all around! Fall is the perfect time to pull out your old craft smock and get started on a few fun DIY art projects. Let’s take a look at several creative ideas from our BumbleBar crew.