Check out this Amazing Vegan GF Lemon Date Bar Recipe!

I have been making these gluten-free, plant-based treats for years. Kids & adults love them equally. One of my favorite cookbook series is the Moosewood Collective. The recipe is a riff on a lemon date bar from Moosewood Cooks At Home, which I highly recommend. I recently found out about a great source for used vegan cookbooks, Thriftbooks. Many books are $4 and below. Shipping is free after $10 in books. The site is a little dangerous for someone who is obsessed with books like me. 🙂 -Liz

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Healthy Holiday No-Bake Maca Cookies

Holiday cookies are unapologetically my favorite part of the holiday season! Growing up, I would start making cookies with my mom about mid-December. We baked anywhere from five to eight different kinds. We gave them as gifts to anyone we visited, we left them on neighbor’s doorsteps, and of course, we kept covered platefuls in the kitchen so anytime during the day I could float over and grab a little something to feed my sugary festive appetite.

But ever since I began working at BumbleBar, I’ve admitted just how unhealthful and harmful all of that refined sugar and gluten-filled flour can be. My sweet tooth can’t be stopped, though. That’s the truth. So now I just try to make my sweets with natural sugars—and a little less of it—and ingredients that actually provide some nutrients. [Read more…]

Finding Hope in El Salvador

Joanna, our R&D technician, shares her El Salvador experience

It is a profound experience to have your heart broken and then filled with hope by the people of a foreign country. I spent the last 10 days of October in El Salvador learning about the violent history of the country, meeting its people, and seeing the hope and hard work they pour into solving their current social issues.  [Read more…]

We Have Adaptogens on Our Minds

Three Adaptogens to Help with Stress

Fatigue â€” unfortunately â€” is universal in our culture. We all could use a little more energy, a little less stress, and a good mental boost. It’s wonderful to know amazing adaptogenic herbs are out there to aid us.

We at BumbleBar get excited about any plant-based, nourishing foods, so we’ve been thinking and talking about adaptogens lately, and the wonderfully natural way they support our bodies.  Three, in particular, have been on our minds: Rhodiola rosea, schisandra berry, and eleuthero root. These three adaptogenic herbs have been the most extensively studied of the adaptogens and found to be both effective and safe. [Read more…]

5 Reasons to Become a CSA Member of Your Local Farm

The breakfast menu for this morning: Chioggia beet and red Norland potato hash with two soft-fried eggs seasoned with summer savory.

I have been making these types of delicious, simple dishes for every meal since I became a CSA member of my local farm this season. My meals are made up of about 65% fresh vegetables—roasted, sautéed, or chopped raw—which is more than double what I ate prior.

It may sound like an overstatement, but I assure you it’s not: Becoming a CSA member has changed my eating habits, and in turn, my life. I’m making healthier, more knowledgeable decisions about the food I put in my body and being culinarily inspired along the way. [Read more…]

Our New Machine Increases Co-Packing Production

A new metal beast has arrived on BumbleBar’s production floor!

To increase production numbers and eliminate waste, BumbleBar brought in a Vemag dough portioner. The new machine extrudes mixtures at fast speeds and exceptionally accurate weights.

“We want to create the highest quality product, and we think this is what will produce it,” says Glenn Ward, co-CEO and co-owner. [Read more…]

Make a BumbleBar into a Smoothie

We’re not sure how hot it is in your part of the country or the world, but here in Spokane, Washington, it’s been in the mid-90s for the past couple of weeks. The heat sits on you like a heavy blanket you just can’t kick off. The best relief for us here at BumbleBar is to go jump into one of the numerous lakes in our region. Making a cold drink proves to be another great option.

We grabbed a Mixed Nut Medley BumbleBar and blended it into a smoothie for a nutty-meets-fruity, refreshing beverage. [Read more…]

Ingredient Highlight: Turmeric

5 Ways Turmeric Benefits Your Health

When you take a bite of a chai almond BumbleBar, you’re greeted with the spicy-sweet medley of turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom. Here at BumbleBar, we not only aim to create yummy concoctions, but to pack our bars full of ingredients that boost your health. Turmeric is one of those ingredients. [Read more…]

In Praise of Plant-Based Protein

It’s no secret many Americans are in love with meat. Burgers, BBQ, steaks, and tacos make up a massive portion of restaurant menus and home-cooked meals.

People justify their large meat consumption with their need for protein. That’s legitimate. Your body requires protein. But meat isn’t necessarily the healthiest source of it. Studies show eating plants for protein is better. [Read more…]

It’s Pride Month, Let’s Celebrate!

Why We Celebrate Pride Month in June and Why It’s So Colorful

Love, acceptance, and rainbow flags are in the air!

It’s Pride Month, and people are taking to the streets to celebrate the LGBT+ community and to raise awareness.

Every year, we parade in June to commemorate the Stonewall riots in New York. On June 28, 1969, police raided a gay bar in Greenwich Village, called the Stonewall Inn. The raid sparked neighborhood riots that lasted for days after. New York’s gay community was fed up after years of enduring harassment from authorities. [Read more…]

Delicious, Nutritious, Gluten Free, Ethically Sourced, Kid Approved, Vegan Approved, Energy, Sesame Snack Bars!
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