BumbleBar Testimony: Superstar Hiking Snacks!

The other day we received an email from a very lovely customer who wanted to share what activities she fuels with BumbleBar energy. As an avid hiker, Diana (Seattle, WA) appreciates having healthy, whole food, energy packed and portable snacks to sustain her on the trails. Below she describes a day she got through her hike on coffee, water, and a Lushus Lemon BumbleBar.

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BumbleBars on Vashon Island

Back in 1995, Liz made the very first BumbleBar and pretty soon afterward, she and Glenn set up shop on Vashon Island near Seattle, producing and distributing bars. One of the stores where BumbleBars were available was a community staple called True Value. It’s since become an Ace Hardware, but current employee Katy Sassara reports that the store hasn’t lost any of its local warmth and still sells BumbleBars!

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Tofu Tour: Almond Crusted Tofu Nuggets

Do you love the idea of tofu, but get stuck when trying to plan how to prepare it? Here at BumbleBar, we love plant-based sources of protein, so we wanted to explore some creative tofu recipes to see how many ways we could eat this versatile food. There are so many ways to make tofu, but we started by making Almond Crusted Tofu Nuggets with Lime Avocado Dip and we’re pretty glad we did. Want to make it too? Follow along!

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Super Simple, Super Cheap, Super Delicious Vegan Chili

Do you enjoy chili, but would prefer a super cheap meatless version you can make yourself? Check out this Vegan Chili recipe we made! It’s the perfect fall/winter food, it’s packed with beans and vegetables, and is ohhhh so delicious.

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DIY Mini Candles

As the temperatures drop, you might find yourself wearing two sweatshirts huddled under a pile of blankets in your living room, refusing to turn on the heat because your apartment has expensive baseboard heating and you’re a stubborn penny-pinching warrior. No? That’s just me? Well, all right.

In addition to my four sweatshirts and mound of blankets, I like to light candles. Now, I don’t know if candles add that much heat to space, but I’m all for the placebo warmth and pleasant ambiance. Candle season is one of the only good things about cold weather. They bathe a room in warm natural light, make me feel cozy, and they have such pleasant aromas.

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Spiced Pumpkin Seed Medley

One of the best parts about Halloween is the pumpkin carving, and one of the best parts about pumpkin carving is pumpkin seeds! There’s something pretty amazing about doing a craft that produces both a festive art piece as well as a seasonal snack. It’s so easy to prepare, and you have endless flavors to choose!

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Pumpkin Carving: Things to Think Through for the Best Carving Fun

With Halloween tomorrow, October had one last weekend open for pumpkin carving. There are lots of questions you have to ask yourself when embarking on this spooky and goopy adventure. Where will you get your pumpkins? What design and style do you want to carve? What size pumpkin do you need to accommodate the design you’ve chosen? Which tools are necessary? Speaking as someone who doesn’t see the value of planning until I inevitably come across an obvious problem, these are helpful questions to think through before diving in.

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Custom Creative Vegan T-Shirts and More!

You know what’s great? Fun, custom t-shirts and stickers. Know what else is great? Independent artists. There’s this awesome site out there called RedBubble that allows artists of all styles and skill levels to put their work up for anyone to purchase. RedBubble does a great job of previewing the art on various products like t-shirts, stickers, phone cases, coin purses, and even clocks and coffee mugs to name a few. All the artist has to do is upload their work and RedBubble takes it from there.

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The Accidental Pescatarian

I became a pescatarian my junior year of high school, and it wasn’t really for any good reason. One weekend I visited an older friend of mine at her college a couple of towns over. We got into all kinds of fun trouble including eating several heavy meals out that left my stomach in knots. I decided I didn’t really want to feel that way again and took it easy food-wise for a week or so after going home.

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Super Simple Vegan Taco Salad

I’ve heard that one of the best parts about being vegan is the fun you can have in the kitchen, experimenting with different recipes. While there are literally infinite instructions of intricate vegan dishes out there, sometimes after a long day, you just want a quick and delicious dinner sans any animal products. One of my go-to dinners these days is a low maintenance version of my Mom’s taco salad recipe minus the taco meat, cheese, and sour cream. It’s just as delicious and even more nutritious.

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Delicious, Nutritious, Gluten Free, Ethically Sourced, Kid Approved, Vegan Approved, Energy, Sesame Snack Bars!
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