Fall Fun at Green Bluff

If you live in the Spokane area here in Washington, then I’m guessing you either already visited Green Bluff this fall or are planning your trip soon! For those of you who don’t know, Green Bluff is a delightfully rustic collection of farms on the northeast hills of Spokane, Washington. These farms offer year-round festivities like flower and fruit picking, Christmas tree cutting, barn music, festivals and more. While there’s something fun to do there every season, fall is a particularly perfect time to visit. The crisp weather pairs impeccably with the hot cider and fall activities.

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Oh, Kale Yes! 15 Minute Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips

Here’s a confession: I love chips. Especially salt and vinegar chips. I can’t even say that I finish a whole bag of chips in 2-3 days, because it’s more accurate to say I finish a bag of chips in however long an episode of Bob’s Burgers takes. Usually, if I’ve allowed myself to buy a bag of salt and vinegar chips, it’s opened and I’m eating it right as I get in the door. Full disclosure, I only wait that long now because I had to implement a rule that I’m not allowed to start eating them in THE CAR RIDE HOME anymore.

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5 App-solutely Awesome Apps

Everyone here at BumbleBar relies heavily on technology to aid us in our work in different ways. We lean so much on the digital world to conduct business that we are almost completely paperless! Hooray! As tech-savvy people, we also use technology outside of the office in our personal lives, especially through our phones and favorite apps. We use these apps to listen to books, create lists, track our investments, and more!

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10½ Documentaries We Love

We know, we know! You’ve been waiting for us to write a post about our favorite documentaries. energy bar companies are where all the cool kids get those sweet, sweet film tips. Okay, that was full on sarcasm, but really, we are avid documentary fans and have some awesome ones to share with you. Do you like documentaries about food, comedy, or conspiracy? We’ve got something for each of those interests and more!

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What’s The Deal With Gluten? 

Whether you have a gluten intolerance, are interested in health food and dieting, or are just a person on this earth, you’ve heard of gluten. If you don’t practice a gluten free diet though, the knowledge might stop there. What is gluten? What foods contain it? Why might someone not want to eat gluten? As a certified gluten-free facility, we’ve got those deets for you.

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15 Reasons We Love Spokane

Picture this: you watch one of the best college basketball teams in the country play, see the most current work from contemporary artists, ski on the local slopes, and enjoy a beautiful sunset with a pint of craft beer. All in one day, all in one place. Where could one hope to find such a diverse and active city? There’s probably a lot of places out there that fit the bill, but Spokane, Washington makes that cut too!

What do we love about Spokane? Well, we love…

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Thinking About Taking a Yoga Class? You Should!

Have you thought about attending a yoga class, but for whatever reason haven’t taken the first steps? Here are a few tips and guidelines that will ease your mind and set you on your way to the internal and external cleansing that is yoga. Remember, getting your butt into a class is the most important thing, so when it comes right down to it, get on that mat even if you don’t feel 100% prepared!

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What is Kosher?

BumbleBar makes simple clean gluten-free food for people who want to eat healthy and/or have dietary restrictions. Because of this, we maintain many certifications. We are certified gluten-free, vegan, , and kosher. Most of us know the first three, but what does kosher mean?

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Tips to Save Money on Healthy Food

Eating healthy food feels great. It’s better for your brain, your body, and the Earth, but sometimes it’s hard to keep up. When healthy products feel hard on your wallet, we need some extra tips on how to keep our pantries nutritious.

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Amazing Benefits of Omega 3!

You may not know how deficient you are in Omega 3 Fats because they go so unnoticed, Omega 3 deficiencies are the sixth biggest killer in America. The deficiency could lead to a number of serious mental and physical problems and may be an underlying cause of over 96,000 deaths per year. It is also an underlying cause of breast and prostate cancer and heart disease.

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Delicious, Nutritious, Gluten Free, Ethically Sourced, Kid Approved, Vegan Approved, Energy, Sesame Snack Bars!
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