COVID-19: BumbleBar’s Response & What You Can Do To Help Others

March 26, 2020
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BumbleBar has always been committed to health and well-being by providing delicious, healthy snacks. In the current situation we all now face, we at BumbleBar know how important it is to take extra steps to keep ourselves and others safe and healthy. 

What BumbleBar Is Doing

As a food manufacturer, we are considered an “essential business.” We remain in operation. We have added additional procedures to protect both our employees and our community from COVID-19.

At this time, we have closed our doors to all visitors. Our employees are required to stay home if they feel sick. We split our employee shifts to reduce the number of people in the building at a time and created a buffer between the shifts so they don’t come in contact with each other.

An increased number of daytime sanitors continually disinfect all high-touch surfaces, including between the two shifts. Our work cells have also been moved to create more space between people. 

Jerry in PPE

We believe if we all stay vigilant and work together, the COVID-19 situation can be a time not of fear, but of care and generosity. 

We are thankful for all of our fellow food manufacturing workers, as well as food service workers, farmers, and grocery workers that are working tirelessly to make sure everyone gets fed. We are immensely grateful for the healthcare workers boldly and faithfully doing their job in the midst of this.

You Can Help!

If you are wondering how you can help during this time, we have compiled some ideas based on needs we have been hearing. First and foremost, the best thing we as a community can do to fight this is to follow the social distancing guidelines and remain home as much as possible. Rather than playing defense, pretend as if you have the virus and take every precaution not to spread it to others. For example, wash or sanitize your hands not only after you do your grocery shopping, but before as well. 

Person washing their hands with soap and water

Here are lots of other ways to help:

  • Remember that mail and parcel carriers, and food delivery workers are out there bringing vital things to people. Don’t approach them at this time and wait until they leave to open your door. Disinfect doorbells, mailboxes, and any doorknobs they might have to touch.
  • If you live in a shared building, disinfect doorknobs or laundry machines that others touch to keep your neighbors safe. Wash or sanitize your hands before and after contacting these surfaces. 
  • Offer to do errands for people you know are more at risk, including the elderly, immunocompromised, and pregnant women. But really, you can do it for anyone to reduce the number of people having to go out in public. 
  • If you know someone who is a healthcare worker, check in with them. See if they need any grocery shopping done or if they need childcare. Anything that gives them more time to rest and stay healthy is helpful!
  • Volunteer at or donate to your local food bank. Because of the low inventory at regular grocery stores, food banks aren’t getting the food they need. Our friends at Protein Puck have launched a fundraiser to help food banks. For every dollar donated, Protein Puck gives a Puck to food banks. 
  • Donate blood! Even if your state has a shelter-in-place order, you are still allowed to go to blood donation centers. In many places, blood supplies are running low because of social distancing and canceled blood drives. Make an appointment to donate at your local blood bank, and remember that these places are—and have always been—extremely sanitary.
  • Some people who have the finances to do so might want to donate money somewhere. If you’re not sure where it will help most, don’t overcomplicate it. Just donate to your favorite charity. All nonprofits are struggling right now, so you really can’t go wrong with whom you choose. 
  • Small, local businesses are being hit hard. While you might not be able to go to them in person, try to still support them as usual. Shop online if it’s available or buy gift cards to use in the future. Don’t forget about your local eateries, too. Order take-out or delivery and know those orders are essential to them staying in business. 
  • Take care of yourself! Be sure you’re eating healthy, getting exercise, and staying connected over the phone or internet with your loved ones. 

We can beat this, as long as we all take care of each other and ourselves!
