The Power of Listening To Music At Work

It’s 8:00 AM and you’ve just arrived to work. What’s the first thing you do? For many of, we plug in our headphones or turn up Spotify. Whether you work sitting at a desk, standing all day, or perhaps your job is really labor intensive – you probably enjoy listening to music while you’re on the clock. At BumbleBar, we’ve recognized the power of workplace music, so naturally, we wanted to share the benefits with you!

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BumbleBar’s Crazy Fun Tattooed Team

Looking around the production floor and facility office, we noticed a trend; almost all of our BumbleBar team members have tattoos! The large number of tattooed employees may simply be a testament to the modern times, but we’re convinced it’s because our company is overflowing with creative, unconventional, and innovative minds! We asked staff to share their personal tattoo stories with us – let’s see what they had to say!

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